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The core purpose of EAL provision at The Telford Priory School is to ensure the language and learning needs of all of our EAL students are met. We value and welcome the varied cultural experiences that EAL students bring to our school.

EAL Learners may have been born and have been through the education system in England, or be recent arrivals; who may be at any stage of developing English Language Proficiency: from ‘New to English’, to completely ‘Fluent’. In addition to this, some learners may speak and write several languages, whilst others may have limited Literacy in their first language.

At Telford Priory School, we are excited that 17% of our current cohort are EAL (March 2022). This is nearly 170 students and is still growing. The languages spoken are diverse and they include: Romanian, Spanish, Hausa, Panjabi, Urdu and Bulgarian. Students in our school are all at different stages of English Language Proficiency and some are proficient in two or three languages. An EAL Register has been carefully devised which includes e.g. Ethnicity, Languages spoken, SEN needs, Pupil Premium and English Proficiency Grades.

We have created carefully devised Assessment, Induction and Homework programmes (we use Flash Academy for our EAL homework package – see below). At TPS we have also created Intervention Tiers. Each student on our EAL Register is assigned an Intervention Tier to access their support.

Staff at TPS receive regular EAL CPD and are fully on board to help ensure our EAL provision is impacting and making a difference to our students. Our students are developing their abilities to be Global Citizens in our school and beyond. We want all of our EAL students to leave TPS at the end of year 11 ready to enter the adult world with an understanding of the everyday skills and knowledge needed to face the challenges of life.

EAL Upcoming events:

EAL Coffee/Tea/ Cake afternoon for parents/carers – date to be confirmed

English classes for parents/carers – date to be confirmed

Rozia Riaz

EAL Co-ordinator

01952 386400 Ext: 86442


As part of our ongoing commitment to ensure excellence for all of our students, Telford Priory School has invested in an excellent online platform that delivers learning for students who don't have English as their first language.

Flash Academy can be used on smart phones, tablets and PCs and teaches English to students with over 35 different home languages.

It accelerates English language acquisition through lessons, challenges and games.

All engagement is monitored daily and there is a leaderboard for our students with prizes at the end of each term.

If you would like to find out more or if you would like to request a free log in for this online platform, please email: